LEMON-SPRITZPREPARATION TIME:  about 10 minutes, plus chilling
MAKES 750 ml (1 1/4 PINTS)

225 g (8 oz) seedless grapes, washed
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
250 ml (8 floz) bottled ginger ale
175 ml (6 floz) soda water      
ice cubes, to chill fresh grapes, to decorate

1.  Blend the grapes in a liquidizer, then strain through a sieve into a jug or lipped bowl.
2. Stir in the lemon juice and ginger ale and chill for at least 2 hours. At the same time chill a serving jug and 2 wine glasses. (To frost the glasses dip the rims in lemon juice, then caster sugar and chill until set.)
3. Just before serving, pour the soda water into the lemon mixture. Pour into the glasses, add ice cubes and garnish with the grapes.

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